Semiconductor Gas Analysis
Our products allow in situ semiconductor gas analysis. We provide our products to leading semiconductor fabs worldwide. With our semiconductor gas analyzers you can have eyes in the process to see the impurities and see that the recipe is followed in real time.

24/7 Continuous sampling analysis
No sampling cell zeroing required
Low ppb impurity detection, including moisture in all semiconductor gases (HCl, Silane, Germane, Diborane, NF3 ,HF, HBr, Ammonia, etc.)
Concentration of production gases verification
Performance verification of purifiers
Verification of MFC performance, valve leaks, and out of calibration performance
No process disruption.
Real-time, fast response monitoring.
Critical “recipe” verification
Process characterization, repeatability and validation
Provides a way to determine trouble spots, and fast troubleshooting.
CIC Photonics can custom build an analyzer that meets your requirements for high purity semiconductor gas analysis.


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