Scientific Test, Inc. was founded in 1981 by company president, John Bailey. John started STI because there was a clear need in 1981 for a source of capable, quality semiconductor test equipment without a $100,000.00 or more price tag.

The need for cost effective equipment still exists today. STI provides quality ATE systems and Curve Tracers to device manufacturers, consumer electronics manufacturers, military, aerospace, transportation, medical and other customers worldwide. Whether you need to create a data sheet, test at wafer level, interface with a handler,test for QA or failure analysis at currents as low as 20PA up to 1200A, STI has a solution for you.

With prices starting below $30,000, Scientific Test provides high performance semiconductor testers for testing descrete semiconductor devices at prices significantly below our competitors.

With our extremely favorable cost-benefit ratio, you can’t afford to overlook evaluating how our semiconductor test equipment can meet or exceed your semiconductor testing requirements at a very affordable cost.

Our semiconductor testers are used worldwide for high volume production, quality control and final testing of descrete semiconductor devices.

Provided with an Intel® based single board computer(SBC) and Windows® based software, the Scientific Test semiconductor tester is highly reliable, extemely fast, very easy to operate.

From picoamps to over 1000 amperes and from millivolts to 2000 volts….. numerous semiconductor devices can be tested with our 5000 Series automatic semiconductor tester. With its on-board single-board computer (SBC), the Scientific Test semiconductor tester can provide high-speed, stand alone (after test program download) testing capability; or, when connected to a PC, provide intuitive test development and data capture.



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