PbTe, also known as Lead Telluride, is a narrow-bandgap semiconductor material that is widely used in the production of infrared detectors and thermophotovoltaic cells. The material has a high absorption coefficient and a high thermal conductivity, which makes it suitable for use in applications that require high sensitivity to infrared radiation. Lead telluride also has a high electrical conductivity and is relatively easy to fabricate into thin films.
Some of the main applications of PbTe substrates include:
Infrared detectors: PbTe is widely used in the production of infrared detectors due to its high sensitivity to infrared radiation and high thermal conductivity.
Thermophotovoltaic cells: PbTe is also used as a material for thermophotovoltaic cells, which convert heat into electrical energy.
Solar cells: Lead telluride is being explored as a material for use in high-efficiency solar cells, due to its ability to convert light into electrical energy.