SEMPA SYSTEMS GmbH has been found in 2001 by Kurt Pietsch in Dresden Germany. SEMPA stands for SEMiconductor PArtnership and this is exactly how we understand our business, being a strong and valuable partner to our clients and business partners. SEMPA SYSTEMS designs and manufactures stainless steel Gas and Chemical delivery systems. SEMPA is truly dedicated to improve the processes of our customers. Our team of professionals constantly reviews industry requirements to optimize our products and services having them up to date. We do feature uniquely SEMPA-LAB, offering our customers the possibilities of pretesting certain new process chemicals or technologies. The SEMPA quality promise ensures highest purity installations and detailed testing procedures, making our products safe, reliable and free of any contaminant which could harm your process. Our organization is streamlined and optimized to efficiently react to any customer inquiry – on time and meeting budgetary targets.
Our production is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and we serve a global customer base from our head quarter in Dresden, our subsidiary in Hermsdorf, via SEMPA OOO in St. Petersburg and trading partners around the world.