Crosslight Software Inc. is an industry leader in TCAD simulation tools headquartered in the greater Vancouver area. For almost twenty years, Crosslight has been dedicated to providing state-of-the-art TCAD tools for the simulation of semiconductor devices and processes. Crosslight Software (formerly Beamtek Software), was the first commercial company to provide TCAD software for electrical and optical modeling of quantum well laser diodes (LD) and has continued to maintain a leadership position ever since. Crosslight is among the world’s top suppliers of semiconductor TCAD tools with a customer list extending to hundreds of semiconductor companies and research institutions.
Established in 1993 by Dr. Z.M. Simon Li (李湛明), Crosslight was originally created as a spin-off from the National Research Council of Canada. Since then, Crosslight has continued to build on this original foundation and has licensed other technologies like Stanford University’s SUPREM-IV.GS in order to integrate them into its product line. Through frequent upgrades of its simulation software packages, Crosslight’s engineers and scientists are committed to offering the latest in semiconductor device/process modeling while maintaining optimal performance of the software.
Crosslight Software’s PICS3D, a 3D simulation software package for laser diode and photonic integrated circuits, won the 1998 Commercial Technology Achievement Award from Laser Focus World, a leading magazine for the photonics and optoelectronic industry.
Crosslight provides award-winning simulation software for modeling semiconductor devices/processes in an advanced technology computer aided design (TCAD) environment. With three device simulation software packages (APSYS, LASTIP and PICS3D) our device models cover a full range of devices from basic silicon MOSFET to more complex devices such as vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) and quantum cascade laser (QCL).
Crosslight also developed PROCOM, a 2D/3D simulator to model semiconductor growth by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), a technology commonly used to grouw compund semiconductors. For silicon and GaAs process simulation, Crosslight offers CSUPREM which builds on and improves the original SUPREM.IV GS code developed by the Integrated Circuits Laboratory at Stanford University. Among other extensions and enhancements, CSUPREM offers full 3D process simulation.
A brief overview of Crosslight’s capabilities and various optional modules can be found here.
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APSYS, Advanced Physical Models of Semiconductor Devices, is based on 2D/3D finite element analysis of electrical, optical and thermal properties of compound semiconductor devices...
CSUPREM (Crosslight-SUPREM) is a process simulation software package based on the SUPREM.IV.GS code developed at the Integrated Circuits Laboratory of Stanford University...
LASTIP, Laser Technology Integrated Program, was historically the first product of Crosslight Software Inc., dedicated primarily to 2D simulation of edge emitting laser diodes...
PICS3D, Photonic Integrated Circuit Simulator in 3D, is a state of the art 3D-simulator for surface and edge emission laser diodes, SOA, and other similar active waveguide devices...
PROCOM (PROcesses of COMpounds) is a 2/3-dimensional process simulation software package for compound semiconductor growth by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)...
NovaTCAD is an easy to use and affordable windows based simulation package for microelectronics applications...
SAWAVE is a brand-new design and analysis tool for Surface Accoustic Wave (SAW) devices...