Temperature products
Cryogenic Temperature Sensors
Measure temperatures from <20 mK to over 1,500 K. A wide selection of diodes, RTDs, thermocouples, and mounting packages are available.
HR Series Sensors
The HR Series is a line of high reliability cryogenic temperature sensors for mission-critical applications. This family of off-the-shelf sensors have already undergone extreme testing steps to assure you of extra reliability.
Temperature Probes
Cryogenic temperature sensors encased in stainless steel thermowell fixtures for tight spaces or immersion in liquids. Probes are unaffected by high pressure and sealed to keep electrical components and wiring protected from fluids and other elements.
AC Resistance Bridges
Designed for precise, accurate, low noise, low excitation power AC resistance measurements. Measure resistance materials in cryogenic environments from <20 mK to 1 K.
Cryogenic Temperature Controllers
Monitor & control temperatures from <300 mK to over 1,500 K. Choose from variety of sensor inputs, sensor excitation ranges, display features, and interfaces.
Cryogenic Temperature Monitors
Monitor temperatures from 1.4 K to over 800 K. Choose from one or eight standard inputs. USB, IEEE-488 and RS-232C interfaces, relays, and analog outputs available.
Cryogenic Temperature Modules
Transmit temperature data over long distances to data acquisition locations in research and industrial settings. External interface is 4 mA to 20 mA.
AC and DC Current Sources
Programmable AC and DC current sources that provide precise, low noise, stable currents for a number of applications.
Cryogenic Accessories
Cryogenic and temperature measurement accessories include cable, wire, solder, heaters, insulating and conductive materials, and more.
Environment by Janis
Environment by Janis
Cryogen-free cryostats
Our cryogen-free cryostats use both 10 K and 4 K cryocoolers, covering a temperature range of 1.5 K to 800 K. Choose from top- or bottom-loading designs suited for an extensive range of applications.
LHe and LN₂ cryostats
We have a full line of liquid helium and liquid nitrogen-cooled cryostats. Choose from continuous flow or reservoir cryostats, with many application-specific designs available.
Recirculating gas coolers
Cool your SuperTran cryostat without the need for liquid cryogens.
Superconducting magnet systems
Fully integrated cryogen-free magnet systems. Choose from various options, from standalone to complete turnkey measurement systems. Helium-cooled systems are also available.
Janis accessories
Cryogenic lab accessories
We have a full range of accessories, ancillary equipment, and spare parts for all your cryogenic needs.
Janis custom products
Custom cryogenic systems
With our in-house design and manufacturing capabilities, our experienced physicists and engineers are ready to discuss your requirements for any type of cryogenic application.
Cryogenic lab applications
Lake Shore products are used in a large variety of applications. Find your application here to see the recommended products.
Magnetic products
Magnetic products
Measure both DC and AC magnetic fields, and control DC fields. Ideal for both industrial and scientific research applications. Handheld and benchtop units.
Hall Probes
Axial, transverse, multi-axis, and tangential Hall probes for measuring magnetic flux density. Choose from a wide range of lengths and thicknesses. Probes also available for cryogenic applications.
Hall (Magnetic) Sensors
Small, compact axial and transverse Hall generators for measuring flux density. Available for use at cryogenic temperatures.
Measure total flux in industrial and measurement system settings. Ideal for magnet testing and sorting, and as the main component in BH loop or hysteresisgraph measurement applications.
Helmholtz and Search Coils
Standard field helmholtz coils, magnet moment measurement helmholtz coils, and search coils available.
Characterization products
Material characterization products
MeasureReady™ M81-SSM Synchronous Source Measure System
A unique instrument architecture optimized to provide synchronous DC, AC and mixed DC+AC source and measure to 100 kHz for low‑level measurements
Modular Characterization Systems
Scalable research platforms that quickly adapt to a wide range of material characterization applications.
MeasureLINK software
MeasureLINK™ Software
Software for time-sensitive coordination of temperature, field, and electrical measurements for material characterization research.
Products for materials characterization that are as easy to use as your smartphone.
Vibrating Sample Magnetometers
Measure hysteresis M(H) loops, torque curves, and temperature dependent magnetic properties of a wide range of samples including bulk, powder, thin film, fluid, and magnetic structures.
Cryogenic Probe Stations
Micro-manipulated probe stations used for non-destructive testing of devices on full and partial wafers. Ideal for measuring magneto-transport, electrical, electro-optical, parametric, high Z, DC, RF, and microwave properties.
Model 8404 AC field system to be discussed at SEMICON West 2013
Hall Effect Systems
Measure AC/DC Hall effect and AHE in spintronics, transparent oxides, DMS, and compound semiconductors. Resolve individual carrier mobilities and densities using our QMSA software package.
The EM-V Series electromagnets produce variable magnetic fields with a variety of air gap and pole cap configurations. They are ideal for a variety of applications.
Electromagnet Power Supplies
Linear bipolar DC magnet power supplies provide true 4-quadrant output, eliminating the need for external switching or operator intervention to reverse current polarity.
Superconducting Magnet Power Supply
A true 4-quadrant, low noise, stable superconducting magnet power supply. Ideal for small to medium sized superconducting magnets.
Recirculating Chillers
Water chillers for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation and in a variety of sizes and cooling capacities.