At the end of September, the British holding Arm appointed a new financial director and added two members to the board of directors, which may be taken as a sign of preparations for a public offering of shares, but the changes were not limited to this. The division responsible for the development of solutions for the automotive industry acquired structural isolation, and rotation was carried out among the heads of all major divisions.

Rene Haas, Executive Director of Arm, told about this on the pages of the corporate blog. Until now, solutions for the automotive industry and the Internet of things have been developed by one division, he says, but progress in both directions is pushing the company to separate them. In total, Arm will now have four main areas of activity: automotive, client (responsible for technologies for the consumer market), infrastructure and the Internet of things.
Dipti Vachani, who hailed from the previously unified Automotive Solutions and IoT division, will now oversee Arm's automotive business as Senior Vice President. Paul Williamson, who previously led the client division, will move to lead the IoT business, also as senior vice president. The client direction will be headed by Chris Bergey, who previously was in charge of infrastructure solutions for Arm. Finally, Mohamed Awad, who held a leadership position in the Internet of Things, will lead the infrastructure business and will also take the post of senior vice president. According to the company's CEO, "change is critical to our success," so management sees these personnel changes as the key to the successful development of Arm.