PIXAPP is the world’s first open-access Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) Assembly and Packaging Pilot line, and helps users exploit the breakthrough advantages of PIC technologies.

PIXAPP consists of a highly-interdisciplinary team of Europe’s leading industrial & research organisations, and provides users with single-point access to PIC assembly and packaging.
The Pilot Line Gateway Office is PIXAPP‘s easy-access interface for external users, and is located at the Tyndall National Institute, in Ireland. The Gateway is managed by an experienced team, including technical experts to review incoming user requests, and project managers to organise the PIXAPP supply chain.

PIXAPP aims to drive the future demand for PIC-based products by engaging and standardizing processes along all the supply chain, through stablished reference PICs adopted by the PIC foundries and design houses, and through its unique hands-on packaging training courses to prepare the future training force.
