Oxygen is a non-flammable, flammable gas with oxidizing properties that react with combustible materials. It is used in various industrial fields such as RFCC and SRU in oil refining process, EO and VCM oxidation in petrochemical process, combustion in steel and glass industry, welding and cutting, papermaking, water treatment, medical and secondary battery material manufacturing process.
Nitrogen is an inert and non-flammable gas and is used in various industries such as chemical process (for inerting, blanketing and purge), metal (for atmosphere), semiconductor (for inert/cooling), food and beverage, glass and tire curing.
Argon is inert even at high temperature and high pressure, and is mainly used for high-quality welding such as AOD and TIG MIG for smelting and refining, and is widely used in silicon ingot manufacturing, semiconductor chips, light bulbs and double-layer glass industries.
Hydrogen is used in petrochemical processes, and is used in the manufacturing process of semiconductors, polysilicon, optical cables, hydrogen fuel cells, glass, iron, and non-ferrous metals.
Carbon dioxide
It is a non-flammable, inert gas that dissolves in water, so it is mainly used in food and beverage, MAG welding, dry ice manufacturing, pulp, paper and metal processing.
Helium is the second lightest gas after hydrogen and is used in medical MRI equipment, special welding, airtight testing, optical fiber, and electronic semiconductor industries by using high conductivity and fast diffusion rate.
Industrial Gases
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Hydrogen, Carbon dioxide, Helium and Specialty gases
Medical gases
Oxygen, Nitrogen
Industrial Gases Applicable Industries
Semiconductor & Display
Petrochemical, Chemical & Energy
Steel & Glass
Shipbuilding & Automotive
Food & Beverage
Service Areas
Efficiency Improvement
Process Know-How
Quality and Safety
Supply Stability
Production Process Optimization