Our Vision
To be one of the country's leading distributors of specialty chemical solids, working tirelessly for our customers, employees and vendors while honoring the Reade family legacy of quality and customer centricity.
Our Mission
As an ISO certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, we partner with manufacturers to source raw inorganic specialty chemical solids of the highest quality that meet all specifications, are competitively priced and delivered on-time. We provide exceptional customer service and supply chain solutions to support increased productivity for our valued business partners.
Our Strategy
To implement Six Sigma focused speed, simplicity and sincerity in each customer transaction
To improve the quality of our products and services and add value through continuous and cost-effective innovation
To conduct our business ethically and legally at all times and to be a responsible neighbor in the communities in which we operate
Environmental Health & Safety
At READE® we recognize the global nature of environmental, health and safety issues, and our responsibilities to customers, employees and local communities. Within our Responsible Care page you can review the READE® pledge in this area.
It goes without saying that today's companies should take environmental protection needs and the health and safety of employees into consideration in the performance of their business operations.
READE® has long been conscious of this responsibility. Decisions on all levels of the company - be it business management, sales or logistics - make a "Best Efforts" attempt to take a full account of the requirements of health, chemical safety and environmental protection.
READE® is participating in the U. S. Homeland Security Customs- Trade Partnership Against Terrorism "C-TPAT" validation program for exports and imports. READE® was formally inspected on-site under the authority of Section 11 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) on 5 May 2009 by two environmental engineer representatives of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, DC.
READE® passed the onsite EPA inspection with favorable exit briefing oral comments from the lead inspector toward our conduct of business. READE® was formally visited on-site and counselled by the Security and Hazardous Materials Division of the U. S. Department of Transportation (FAA) on 4 August 2011 under the authority of CFR Title 49: Section 172.704 to ensure READE was in compliance with the required employee training requirements toward our conduct of business.
Abrasives, Powders, Inorganic, (Grit & Media) (14)
Abrasives, Powders, Organic, (Grit & Media) (13)
Adsorbent Materials, Inorganic & Organic (1)
Aerogel Materials (1)
Alloys, Metal, Inorganic (Powder, Sheet & Wire) (36)
Alloys, Super, Inorganic (Powder, Sheet & Wire) (3)
Aluminide Compounds, Powder (8)
Amendments, Soil, Inorganic (1)
Amendments, Soil, Organic (1)
Arsenide Compounds, Pieces, Wafers (2)
Binders, Chemical (Inorganic & Organic) (2)
Biomaterials, Dry Particles (1)
Boride Compounds, Powder (6)
Carbon Compounds (3)
Carbon Group (8)
Carbonate Compounds, Powder (2)
Ceramic Powders, Miscellaneous (4)
Ceramic Powders, Piezoelectric (1)
Chemical Compounds, Inorganic, Other (1)
Chemicals, Electronic (1)
Chemicals, Precursors (1)
Chemicals, Reagents, Inorganic (1)
Chemicals, Synthetic (1)
Coated Powders, Inorganic (1)
Composite Materials (Powders, Foils, Fibers) (1)
Crystals, Inorganic (3)
Difluoride Compounds (1)
Elements, Native (Powder, Sheet, Wire) (82)
Enzyme Materials, Industrial & Food (1)
Evaporation Source Materials (1)
Exothermic Compounds (1)
FCC / FDA Grades, Chemical Raw Materials (1)
Ferrate Compounds (1)
Ferrite Compounds, Powder (2)
Ferro Alloy Materials, Powder (12)
Fibers, Inorganic, Metallic (1)
Fibers, Natural, Discontinuous (1)
Filler Materials / Additives (2)
Filler Materials, Inorganic (5)
Fillers / Extenders, Organic, Natural (1)
Fluoride Compounds, Powder (3)
Foam Materials (Metal, Ceramic, Aerosil, Nano) (3)
Gases, Specialty (1)
Hardmetal Materials, (Carbide Powders) (15)
Hydride Compounds, Powder (1)
Hydroxide Powders (2)
Intermetallic Compounds (Powder. Sheet & Wire) (1)
Magnetic Materials (Powder, Sheet, Wire) (3)
Media, Filtration, Inorganic (1)
Media, Filtration, Organic (2)
Media, Grinding & Tumbling (1)
Metal Pastes & Metal Creams (1)
Metallizing Compounds (1)
Metallurgical Compounds (3)
Metals, Clad (1)
Metals, Rapidly Solidified (1)
Metamaterials (1)
Military Specification/ Standard (MILSPEC, MILSTD) (1)
MIM Metal Powders (1)
MIM Ceramic Powders (1)
Minerals and Ores, Powder (33)
Minerals, Clays (6)
Molybdenum Compounds, Powder (1)
Multiferroic Compounds (1)
Nanofibers, Inorganic (1)
Nanomaterials, Nanoscale Materials (9)
Nanopaper Materials (2)
Nanoparticles (Nanocrystals, Nanopowders) (1)
Nanorod Materials (2)
Nanotubes (SWNTs, DWNTs, MWNTs, VA-MWNTs, TWNTs) (7)
Nanowires, Inorganic (1)
Nitride Compounds, Powder (12)
Nitrate Compounds, Powder (1)
Oxides, Metallic, Powder (62)
Phosphate Compounds, Powder (2)
Phosphide Compounds, Powder (1)
Pigments, Inorganic (1)
Polymeric, Powders (3)
Rare Earth Materials (RE, REM, REO), Powder (2)
Sand, Silicon Dioxide (Si02) (2)
Selenide Compounds, Powder (2)
Silicate Compounds, Powder (7)
Sol Gel Materials (1)
Sputtering Target Materials, CVD, PVD (1)
SRM (Standard Reference Materials, NIST, ASTM) (4)
Sulfate / Sulphate Compounds, Powder (3)
Sulfide Compounds, Powder (7)
Super-Atom Materials (1)
Superconducting Powders, Wires, Foil, Sheet (1)
Thermal Spray & Plasma Spray Powders & Wires (4)
Telluride Compounds, Powder (2)
Titanate Compounds, Powder (4)
Zirconate Compounds, Powder (1)