As semiconductors surround us are expanding and become more involved in our life, the demand for them are increasing and the shortage of semiconductors has a great impact on society.

Since our establishment in 1994, we specialize in small-sized diameter silicon wafers from a single crystallization to mirror-polished silicon wafers. Since then, and because of the increase in semiconductor demand, the environment surrounding us has enormously changed causing near overflowing production.

To correspond to the increase in demands, we go on to expand our production from 2021. Although, we apply for further semiconductor demands and contribute to the development of current society by continuously investing in our fab equipment and broaden our product lines.

From last fiscal year, we have started providing super high flatness wafer. We will keep trying to continue developing by hearing valuable customers’ voices, then actively support the “Necessary wafer for new devices” and “Wafer which hard to obtain” as customers’ requirements.

