SiC Ingot Growth manufacturing technology of Senic
Senic is using the high technology system, making SiC ingot and wafer for power-semiconductor and RF(semi-insulation)
Especially, Senic is using the PVT Growth method (Physical Vapor Transport) for SiC Mass production.
The PVT growth method is a method in which SiC powder of high purity is sublimated at a high temperature and then condensed into seed crystals to grow SiCingot, thereby enabling stable manufacture.
Also, Senic develped Hot-Zone Design by ourselves, we make sure to manufacture high quality ingots differentiated from other companies.
SiC Wafer manufacturing technology of Senic
Senic has high quality wafer processing technology.
We are building an ECO-Friendly Infrastructure. It consists of processing professionals with wafering process design capabilities.
Senic has been doing a split process through steel wire techniques. We also produce high-quality SiC wafer through CMP and a cleaning process.
SiC Wafer reclaim technology of Senic
Senic provides customized products about SiC, GaN wafer and various compounds, nitrides, oxides material.
Senic is based on the manufacturing know-how, there are special reclaim technologies from defective epitaxial wafer to high quality wafer of Epi-ready surface state. (100mm/150mm)