sentronics metrology is a successful provider of semi- and fully automated wafer metrology tools for the semiconductor industry starting from complete manufacturing processes to advanced packaging.
We are a small and flexible key provider of universal and modular metrology tools equipped with multiple optical measuring instruments for thin film, multilayer thickness, roughness, 3D shape and topography in many different configurations. The technology of the measuring instruments behind is based on reflectometry and interferometry techniques.
The automation of the metrology tools became a strength of the company, as well due to many different wafer handling applications we solved over the years, especially for wafer level packaging.
Finally our tools fit in almost any semiconductor fabrication. Founded in 2006, sentronics metrology has achieved a major customer base and is increasing continuously year by year.
Every year sentronics wins new customer and due to high investments in new technologies and new measuring instruments, more and more applications can be covered with our tools.
Headquartered in Mannheim, Germany, sentronics services its worldwide customer via distributors in Taiwan, China, South East Asia, South Korea, Japan and North America. Even if those distributors are separate entities we are all close bind together by our passion for metrology and automation technology.