Science and Production Company «SOLIX LTD.” is a manufacturer of jewelry and laser crystals, as well as optical elements and rods. Also, the company carries out complex scientific research in the field of crystal growth, search of new prospective laser media and investigation of their properties.
The company was established under the supervision of Dr V.Matrosov in the year 1990. Since then, it has been successfully functioning on the market of jewelry and laser crystals due to comprehensive approach to tasks solving. Continuous development of scientific–research division and processing department allows the company to offer the customers new prospective crystals of high optical quality. Company’s laboratory is fitted up with modern equipment, which enables all–round automation of crystal growth processes.
Czochralski method is used to obtain crystals; it is useful for growth of crystals with high optical quality. They doesn’t contain any defects (bubbles, cracks, inclusions), therefore, output at cutting is up to 40%.
Solix grows and markets the following jewelry crystals: alexandrite, ruby, red and blue spinel, and also tanzanite simulator (tanzanion).
Our crystals are grown by Czochralski technique, which is the most appropriate for obtaining of above–mentioned mediums. It permits to achieve high pull rates without deterioration of crystal quality. It is easy to automatize growth process and to control precisely all its stages. Non–stop perfection of assemblies and pull chambers allows to keep crystal quality at high level.
The Company has much experience in research of color characteristics of crystals and it can grow crystals with duplication of color of the given sample.
The principle credo of “Solix”–real high quality off–take and ceaseless research of new prospective crystals.
For crystal quality control and their characteristics' study we have accumulate the selection of the most up–to–date devices: interferometer ZYGO; spectrophotometer CARY 500i; other polarizing microscopes; It allows to test our output products comprehensively and to accomplish the continuous development of technological process of crystal growth.
The scientific–research division actualizes constant analysis of technological process. The division studies dependence of thermal gradients, hydrodynamics of melt, gas ambient, rates of rotation and pulling and other parameters on crystal quality. Also it corrects technological process when necessary. One of cumulus functions of this division is to accomplish investigation on searching new promising crystals.
Our company is open for joint projects in the field of research of new promising crystals, their growth and subsequent investigation of properties. We carry out co–investigations with scientific institutes of Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Taiwan, and other countries perennially.
“Solix” takes part in ISTC (International Scientific Technology Center) Projects, in International Conferences of Crystal Growth and Their Properties Investigation.
Alexandrite (optical)
Beryllate Lanthanum
Gadolinium Vanadate (with Neodim)
Vanadate Yttrium
Yttrium Orthovanadate (doped with Erbium and Ytterbium)
Yttrium Orthovanadate (monocrystal)
Hexaaluminate Beryllium