Mask Aligner Products
NxQ mask aligners are designed for use in both R&D and production settings. With a range of price points and functionality to meet any need, mask aligner systems from NxQ will provide a high performance, cost-optimized solution for any need. All platforms are now available with a revolutionary UV-LED exposure source which has superior performance over mercury bulbs and will last 7-10 years in a HVM environment!
Our products are proudly made in the USA, making our support and service second to none.
AML Wafer Bonder
NXQ9000 Series
NXQ9000 Series – Affordable large area photolithography system
NXQ9000 series is the first-of-its-kind 1x proximity stepper in the marketplace for full field or step and repeat exposures. Available in Roll to Roll or large area substrate formats. Features include:
Step and repeat exposure to control runout effects and CD variations possible with large area 1x Full field aligners
Supports contact and proximity printing modes, selectable by user
Handles roll to roll or entire substrates up to 320mm square; larger substrate sizes available
NXQ8000 Series
The NXQ8000 series offers a scalable, high volume production platform. Features include:
‘Open architecture’ modular design with precision alignment and exposure features
Supports vacuum, contact and proximity printing modes
Handles partial and whole substrates up to 200mm (8”) diameter
Scalable from R&D to HVM by adding Robot Upgrade
NXQ8012 Series
NXQ 8012
Our 300 mm mask aligner is now available for purchase – See the NXQ8012.
‘Open architecture’ modular design with precision alignment and exposure features
Supports vacuum, contact and proximity printing modes
Handles partial and whole substrates up to 400mm diameter
Scalable from R&D to HVM by adding Robot Upgrade
NXQ4000 Series
NXQ4000 Series – R&D & pilot line production
The NXQ4000 series is a cost-effective product designed for R&D, universities and pilot line production. Features include:
Easy to use interface with simple, topside mask loading
Supports soft/hard pressure contact and vacuum contact printing
Handles partial and whole substrates up to 200mm (8”) diameter
Optional Backside Alignment and UV Nano Imprint Lithography
NXQ200 Series
The NXQ200 UV-LED Flood Exposure System is designed to replace conventional Hg (Mercury) light sources operating either in broadband or at i-line (365nm).
AML Wafer Bonder
The AML wafer bonder system provided by NxQ provides anodic, eutectic, direct (High & Low Temperature) glass frit, adhesive, solder & thermo-compression wafer bonding, providing alignment and bonding in a single machine.
Product Features
In-situ alignment 1 micron accuracy
10-6mbar Vacuum to 2bar process gas
Voltage up to 2.5kV
Temperature up to 560° C
Forces up to 100kN
Market leading fast bonding cycle times / high throughput
Wafer sizes 2″- 8″
In-situ UV cure
The NXQ4000 Series Mask Aligner is ideal for universities and pilot line production, supporting substrate sizes from pieces up to 200 mm and an easy to use interface with simple, topside mask loading.
The NXQ8000 Series Mask Aligner is a scalable, high volume production model that combines an ‘open architecture’ modular design with precision alignment and exposure features for unmatched versatility.
Modular Platform:
Auto Load, DUV exposure optics and Backside Alignment can added in the field without expensive platform changes!
Scalable Platform:
The NXQ8000 provides the capability to go from R&D to pilot production to fully automated HVM on the same platform
Levelling System and Alignment Stage;
Low contact force allows the user to work with very fragile materials
Minimal maintenance;
No worn parts! No adjustments! No daily calibrations! Reliable! Accurate!
Integrated OBS and IR Backside Alignment (BSA);
BSA - Integrated IR – Select Method (IR or Optical) in Recipe. No Hardware conversion required!
Dual functionality as a Metrology Tool! – Inspect BSA Wafers - Post Develop – With IR Viewing.
High Definition GigE Cameras for unsurpassed image clarity! No one else offers this unique capability in the industry!
Simple to Add Backside alignment in the field!
The NXQ8000 is the only Mask Aligner in the Market that can do Backside Alignment (BSA) and then a post develop front to back IR overlay inspection with no hardware changes!
Smart Align Technology;
Final Alignment Check at Print Gap, Not Align Gap!
Manual Tray Load Even on Auto Load Systems!
Simple to change Wafer Sizes; Takes just a few minutes to change mask holder and chuck. No conversion needed for Robot Section!
Integrated OBS and IR backside alignment
Wedge Error Compensation (WEC);
No mask damage, No re-calibration for different wafer thickness, Precise Proximity gap settings will maintain +/-1um which provides accurate alignment and quality print resolution. Proximity balls can be adjusted to contact non-active areas.
DUV Lamp house and 1KW power supply;
220-280nm Mercury/Xenon, Minutes to convert for DUV exposures
Lowest Cost of Ownership in the Market!
Maintenance Free Z Axis; Frictionless Air Bearing, Requires No Lubrication
Maintenance Free WEC; Precise, Air Bearing Ball Seat Design
Maintenance Free Alignment stage!
Reliability and Uptime Unsurpassed with Uptimes > 98%!
Milara-Logosol Robot 60,000 Hrs MTBF – Years of trouble free cycles!
The NXQ9000 series is the first-of-its-kind 1x proximity stepper in the marketplace for full field or step and repeat exposures. Available in Roll to Roll or large area substrate formats.
Step and repeat exposure to control runout effects and CD variations possible with large area 1x Full field aligners.
Supports contact and proximity printing modes, selectable by user
Handles roll to roll or entire substrates up to 320mm square; larger substrate sizes available