Product Category
Plating Analyzer
Titration Analyzers, Boume Hydrometer, Sulphameter, Trichrom-Meter, Surface Tension Meter, Chlorine Content Test Kit
Plating Test Kit
Hull Cell Test Kit,High Speed Plating Hull Cell Test,Agitation Effect Test,Jet Plating,Strain Gauge-Type Stress-Meter,Spiral Contract-Meter, Haring Cell
Laboratory and Small-lot Production Kit
Silicon Wafer Plating, Electroless Plating, Roll-to-toll Plating, Beaker Plating,
Horizontal Barrel, Tapered Barrel, Micro Barrel,Dummy Ball
Abundant line-up of tank, materials vary and tank volume from 33ml to 200L
Small Heaters for laboratory-use, immersion heater, L-type heater, PTFE heater, Thermostat with CE marking.
Filter and agitation
Multi-Filter, Mini-Mini filter, Air pump, Air Filter, cartridge
Power Supply
Programmable Power Supply for brush plating, Silicon Rectifier, Step-down Transformer,
Cathode Rocker
Paddle Cathode Rocker 200BWA, Electroless Plating Cathode Rocker, Beaker Plating Cathode Rocker
Clasp for heater, sensor, Crips for samples, Rack
Copper, Cobalt, Lead,Nickel, Cadmium, Titanium Platinum , Zinc, Silver, Solder, Carbon, Stainless steel, Iron, Titanium, Iridium, Indium, etc,
Brush Plating
For repair of wear and scratches (print rolls, etc.) and Decorative plating (engraving, etc.).Brush plating set, brush plating solution, rectifier.
Search by Purpose
Do Hull Cell Test
Measure Concentration
Identify Macro Throwing Power
Measure Internal Stress
Measure Specific Gravity
Plate easily using a beaker
Plate macro parts
Plate wafer
Electroless Plating
Learn How to Select
Plating Analyzer
Titration Analyzers, Boume Hydrometer, Sulphameter,
Plating Test Kit
Hull Cell Test Kit,Jet Plating,Strain Gauge-Type Stress-Meter,Spiral Contract-Meter, Haring Cell
Wafer Plating Kit
Silicon Wafer Plating Kit
Laboratory and Small-lot Production Kit
Beaker-KUN, , 2L laboratory Tank set,
Horizontal Barrel, Tapered Barrel, Micro Barrel,Dummy Ball
Materials vary and tank volume from 33ml to 200L
Small Heaters, immersion heater, L-type heater
Filter and agitation
Multi-Filter, Air pump, Air Filter, cartridge
Power Supply
Programmable Power Supply, Silicon Rectifier, Step-down Transformer
Cathode Rocker
Paddle Cathode Rocker 200BWA, forr Electroless Plating, Beaker plating
Clasp for heater, sensor, Crips for samples, Rack
Size vary, Hole processing and cutting are available
Brush Plating
For repair of wear and scratches and Decorative plating (engraving, etc.)