Sigm Plus company was created in 1991 as team of specialists in the area of semiconductor epitaxial heterostructures manufacturing by MOCVD for different optoelectronics devices. This is still one of the main activity of the company nowadays. Our facility is equipped by hi-tech growth and analytical equipment, both self-made and manufactured by world-leading vendors. Quality of our A3B5 heterostructures and devices on their base are on the world-class level or even better. Sigm Plus specialists regularly take part in prestige international conferences (EWMOVPE, ICMOVPE) and special exhibitions. On Publication page one can see our latest achievements.
Second, but not less important, activity of the company is delivery to Russian market high-technology equipment and parts for semiconductor manufacturing. For many years Sigm Plus successfully cooperates with such world leading vendors as:
- AIXTRON SE (Germany) – leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry
- LayTec AG (Germany) – in-situ optical metrology systems for thin-film
- Nanometrics Inc. (USA) – predictive metrics for the Nano World
- Specs GmbH (Germany) – state-of-the-art technology, cutting-edge components and individually designed complex systems for surface analysis
- CS Clean Systems AG (Germany)- solutions for exhaust gas abatement, with a primary focus on dry bed absorption
Sigm Plus company is continuously expanding looking for new technology solutions. All our engineers are well-trained technical specialists with huge experience of work with high-technology equipment. Therefore in addition to delivery we provide complete services in installation, start-up, maintenance and repairing. We have experience and proven solutions in manufacturing of gas panels, piping, gas cabinets and complete pure gases engineering.
The metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) growth facility is located in Moscow, Russia and based on several horizonal reactors [see Technology]. Our installations suitable to grow most III-V compound semiconductors for different device applications.
Most developed epiwafers are for laser diodes (LD) applications. In the list below you can find some sample epistructures developed in our company:
AlGaAs/GaAs Epiwafers for 780-870nm Laser Diodes
InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs Epiwafers for 900-1060nm Laser Diodes
InGaAsP/InP Epiwafers for 1200-1600nm Laser Diodes
Epitaxial Structures for 1310 and 1550nm Uncooled Laser Diodes
InGaAs/InP PIN Photodiodes Epiwafers
You are welcome to discuss with us growth of other epitaxial structures based on developed material systems.